EmployID "Supporting learning innovation in European Public Employment Services" is a research project aiming at supporting public employment services and their employees in adapting to the changes to their world of work by facilitating the development of their professional identities.
European Public Employment Services (PES) and its employees are facing fundamental challenges to the delivery of efficient and effective services and need to change their strategies to combat rising unemployment and demographic change.
The effective use of ICT and labour market intelligence and information (LMI) in PES is crucial. The first phase of the user engagement process gave a clear steer to the project team for immediate development activities. Close working links with PES resulted in a clear message that will impact on how EmployID proceeds. Efficient use of technologies to provide accessible labour market information and new forms of engagement with employers, practitioners and individual clients presents new opportunities for 'proof of concept' and innovative approaches
EmployID, a four-year EC Framework 7 funded development project (2014-2018) designed to find innovative solutions that support practitioner learning and professional identity transformation. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development an demonstration under grant agreement no. 619619
More information are on the project's website: employid.eu
You can get a quick overview of the project with our promo video: