Welcome to the Pontydysgu crew. Like the rest of this site, this page will be updated over the next couple of months. We have asked everyone to introduce themselves with a short cartoon. And we are going to make the official CVs and all that stuff available for download.
But whilst we get our act together here is a quick run down of our crew.
Graham Attwell is the founder of Pontydysgu. Nowadays he likes to call himself Director of Research. His recent work has focused on research and development of new applications and approaches to e-Portfolios and Personal Learning Environments and use of social software for learning and knowledge development.
Jenny Hughes runs the Pontydysgu office in Wales. She is an expert in evaluation theory and practice and undertaken evlauations for many national and international agencies.
Dirk Stieglitz is Pontydysgu’s head techie, including audio and video production, developing our web sites and enjoys doing some print design as well. Before that he studied politics and history at the University of Bremen.