As regular visitors to this site will know we are experimenting with the use of different forms of multi-media to communicate ideas. Lately we have become interested in the use of Comics. Comics allow us to bring together words and pictures to explore and explain a narrative. We hope you will enjoy the comics on this page. If you roll your cursor over the middle right edge of the comic page a navigation arrow will appear.
If you would like to download a copy go to our Flickr pages. Warning - the comics below can take a little time to load.
This is what designer Adryan Puscuta has to say about the comics.
Comics, time, friends, learning and my old shoe....
Actually my old shoe has nothing to do with this, I just wanted to be sure he will never be forgotten. But what really is important, is the chance that Pontydysgu offered me. Being there and working was a fantastic experience. Like always school ruins the fun of life and I went to Bucharest to study. It isn't all that bad because university professors usually are smart people and the colleagues and friends I have, make my life interesting.
I still keep in touch with Graham and he found the time to develop a new story. My part was simply to help him tell it. I used the Comic Life PC version ( and obtained the pictures by searching through and by adding some of my own. After that ... it all depends on your imagination. The best part of creating a comic out of Graham's lines is that I learned from the story he told. I started recognizing components of my personal learning environment around me and I know now the importance of informal learning. I tried to use pictures that express my understanding of the words and for that I needed to understand them first.
I recommend to everyone to create a comic of there own. It's great fun and very relaxing almost like an old shoe.