Arts, Humanities and Social Science graduates are in demand
As reported in FE News, a new report based on analysis by London Economic, âQualified for the Future: Quantifying demand for arts, humanities and social science skillsâ provides quantitative evidence for ... -
Digital innovations webinar
Pontydysgu has recently been working with Deirdre Hughes from DH Associates in developing a serie sof Webinars around the use of technology, including AI, in career development The next webinar ... -
Discussion: Learning and Training anywhere
The International Labour Organization (ILO) have launched a E-Discussion on Continuing online learning and skills development in times of the COVID-19 crisis. The discussion started on 27 March and runs ... -
Careers identities in the Lockdown
Graham Attwell will be speaking at an online webinar - LiveCareerChat@Lockdown on 6 April. The webinar, organised by DMH Associates will focus on the future challenges for careers identities and ... -
Good jobs, bad jobs, skills and gender
I have written before about the issues of interpreting sense making from Labour Market Data and the difference between Labour Market Information and labour Market Intelligence. This is exposed dramatically ... -
SMEs are not the same as large firms
Much of my work at the moment is focused in two different areas - the training and professional development of teachers and trainers for the use of technology for teaching ... -
Career Development: Identity, Innovation and Impact
On Thursday, 10th October 2019 I am delighted to be speaking at the conference on 'Career Development: Identity, Innovation and Impact' in Birmingham UK The conference will focus on career development ... -
Is this the right way to use machine learning in education?
An article 'Predicting Employment through Machine Learning' by Linsey S. Hugo on the National Association of Colleges and Employers web site,confirms some of my worries about the use of machine ... -
Circular Economy and Lifelong Learning: Scenarios - Methodologies - In action
The momentum for the circular economy has never been stronger. Global issues, such as climate change and natural resource consumption levels, urgently require a change in our lifestyles and a ... -
Skills for Green Jobs
Addressing climate change and setting economies and societies more firmly onto a path towards a sustainable, low-carbon future is one of the defining challenges of our time. Such shift will ...