Pontydysgu are involved in a number of project support Careers Advice, Guidance and Counselling. In the UK, Careers advice for young people aged 13-19 is provided through the regionally based Connexions service. The Connexions service was established in 2001 with the aim of providing a comprehensive service to meet young people's needs for information, advice and support.
The aim of Connexions is to provide high-quality, impartial, information, advice and guidance (including careers advice and guidance), together with access to personal-development opportunities to help remove barriers to learning and progression and ensure young people make a smooth transition to adulthood and working life.
Pontydysgu has been involved in a series of projects in conjunction with our partners, the University of Warwick and Raycom, and local Connexions services.
These projects include:
- the development of an ePortfolio for use in Careers Guidance, Advice and counselling in schools
- the development of tools for the visualisation of labour market data
- the development of a web site for continuing professional development for Careers Personal Advisors
- the development of web based tools and games for young people to help them explore particular careers
- research into the potential of Web 2.0, social software and mobile devices for careers advice, guidance and counselling
- the potential of on-line e-learning for continuing professional development for Careers Personal Advisors
This work is led for Pontydysgu by Graham Attwell and Dirk Stieglitz. If you are interested in any of these project or would like to know more about our work in this are please contact Graham Attwell - graham10 [at] mac [dot] com