What is Artificial Intelligence
What is artificial intelligence? from Nesta UK on Vimeo. This video is from Nesta in the UK. Nesta say: " The choices we make now about how AI is steered ... -
What and who is being pivoted
New ways of being and belonging: developing approaches to the new student/staff experience in Higher Education from Sheila MacNeill Most universities did a great job in pivoting to online ... -
Digital generation
The DigiGen project is developing significant knowledge about how children and young people, a group growing up today often referred to as the Digital Generation, use and are affected by ... -
Hybrid Learning Spaces
Its never boring with Yishay Mor. Here he is inviting you to send us videos, pictures or presentations which express your perception of a "hybrid learning space". -
We are not Robots
We’re constantly asked to make decisions about personal data about us, and we are only just starting to grasp the impact these decisions have on us, and others. Here, Renate ... -
Continually becoming: open learners and open educators
"Being open’ is not binary state or a one-time decision", says Catherine Cronin. Many open educators and scholars have referred to openness as a way of being, or becoming . ... -
World Heutagogy Day
World Heutagogy Day 2019 & 2020 from London Knowledge Lab There seems to be a day for everything now. Anyway as I found out from the presentation by the ... -
Pontydysgu supports the climate strike
Pontydysgu staff will be supporting the climate strike on Friday 20 September. And later this year we will be launching a new project, CEYOU, aiming to support young people in ... -
Cite your data
Neat short video from the UK data service about why and how you should cite data. Citations are always a bit of a pain, but the video shows how using ...